Thursday, December 9, 2010

RIM says tablet software will be in future BlackBerrys

RIM is due to release the Playbook tablet, which is to compete against the iPad. The iPad does not play Flash-based programs or websites, while the Playbook tablet does. RIM has not disclosed sales targets yet, but are estimated around 2 milllion to 4 million shipments  next year. They are eventually going to put the multi-core processor from in the Playbook tablet and put it into the Blackberrys.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

iPad 2 to ship as early as end of Febuary

Apple is due to release the iPad 2 at the end of February sometime. They originally wanted to release the new iPad in the January, but they are not quite done testing it yet. An initial shipment of 400,000 to 600,000 units are expected.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rabbit ears perk up for free HDTV

Lots of Americans have started to use digital antennas to get TV, rather than satelite or cable. Of course if a low-flying plane, rain, or too much movement in the room happens, they'll lose their signal. Most people say its a small price to pay for free TV. The digital antennas actually just pull satelite signals out of the air, and onto your TV. A few satelite companies said they have lost quite a few cutomers lately due to this.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wikileaks Article

The Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, has been releasing information from the US diplomats about their views of countries including Australia, Britain, Canada, Israel, Russia and Turkey. Wikileaks has been releasing information to many different newspapers.

I think that this is good sign of freedom of speech, because everyone should be able to speak their mind, but I think Julian Assange is going to start another world war by releasing all this information.